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People standing at doorway of a conference session room, also showing presenter at podium with slideshow in background
We’re here to help you

Resources for Presenters

For an engaging conference experience, we encourage sessions that embody participation, inclusivity, and action. Successful sessions captivate participants by encouraging active involvement, inspiring them to create and engage rather than passively observe. Inclusivity is key, welcoming participants from diverse backgrounds, experience levels, and disciplines. 


An effective conference session should be action-oriented, providing clear takeaways that participants can implement in their own institutions. Presenters are encouraged to articulate plans that align with these principles. We also welcome community-minded presentations from digital library practitioners in the commercial sector. However, please note that sponsor tables are available for promoting or selling products and services, so presentations should not be treated as an opportunity for a sales pitch.


To help you craft impactful presentations, we’ve compiled tips in a video. We invite all participants to watch the video and incorporate suggestions into their sessions. 

Browse past accepted submissions

Learn more about what was accepted in previous years. 

All Past Forums

The DLF Forum has happened in one form or another each year since 1999. View all past Forums

The 2023 DLF Forum

Browse presentations from the 2023 CLIR Events in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. The DLF Forum was part of a suite of events that also included Learn@DLF (our pre-conference day of workshops) and NDSA’s Digital Preservation. 

The 2022 DLF Forum

Browse presentations from the 2022 CLIR events in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. The DLF Forum was part of a suite of events this year that also included Learn@DLF (our pre-conference day of workshops), NDSA’s Digital Preservation, and the CLIR Digitizing Hidden Collections Symposium. 

Creating Accessible Presentations

A Webinar to help you center accessibility in your presentation

At DLF, we take pride in fostering inclusivity within our membership and events, serving as hubs for diverse exchanges. Our members, representing various cultural and disciplinary communities, bring a wealth of professional and personal experiences along with unique learning styles to our gatherings. To assist presenters in effectively connecting with this vibrant and diverse community, we offer practical recommendations for crafting accessible presentations.

The genesis of our Creating Accessible Presentations guidelines can be traced back to a subgroup of the 2016 DLF Forum Inclusivity Committee. Over time, these guidelines evolved, expanding into a webinar for the 2017 DLF Forum. The commitment to accessibility persisted through 2020 and 2021 with the Creating Accessible Online Presentations webinars, led by members of DLF’s Committee for Equity and Inclusion and Digital Accessibility Working Group.

In our latest update, the Creating Accessible Presentations Webinar in July 2022, led by Debbie Krahmer, further refined this important work for our 2022 events. To stay informed, watch the latest webinar below and join us in ensuring our presentations are accessible to all.

Wait, there's more

Navigating conferences can be a complex task. Drawing insights from feedback provided by previous participants and with the collaborative efforts of groups such as our Community Committee and Committee on Equity and Inclusion working group, we have developed resources to help orient folks as much as possible.

View of people at a table from behind, showing a person with purple hair holding a microphone with large sticky note and smaller sticky notes on table.
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