Registration for the Virtual DLF Forum is now open!

Community Voting Now Open for 2024 DLF Forum at MSU

Team DLF is pleased to announce the launch of Community Voting for our in-person DLF Forum at Michigan State University, coming up this July 29-31.

From today through March 17, proposals are open for public voting through the DLF community voting form: 

During this period, community members are able to review titles and abstracts and cast votes based on their interest in seeing certain presentations as part of our in-person DLF Forum at Michigan State University, July 29-31. After voting closes, the DLF Program Committee will use the community’s input, in combination with results from a concurrent peer review process, to inform its decisions about the conference programs.

People who submitted complete proposals will be notified of status in early April.

Click here to vote

Voting Process

  • Anyone is welcome to vote. You can cast votes for as many presentations as you’d like, but only one vote per presentation. 
  • Get a feel for your favorites by reading proposal abstracts in an accessible Google Sheet:
  • You can search by keywords, sort by proposal type, or scroll through to get a sense of what could be presented this summer.
  • Jump back to the voting form and enter your email. Email will only be used to ensure that each person votes just once, then will be de-coupled from the votes themselves.
  • Click the +Add button to select your favorites.


Voting closes at 11:59 pm ET on Sunday, March 17.

The DLF Program Committee will consider community voting results among other factors, including the peer review results, when making final decisions on the 2024 summer program.

Thank you for helping to inform our selection process!

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